Monday 23 March 2015

12VA: Test on theme: ‘South African artists influenced by African and/or indigenous art forms ’

Dear Grade 12's,
Some of you have not completed your infographics for this term. As result we will be writing an open book test in our double on Friday the 27th of March. If you handed in all your work for this term, then the test is not compulsory. However, I suggest you  still write the test as a practice on condensing work for exams and the results will be used to enhance your marks.

Below are the questions for your test...

Question 1 [10 marks] Unseen Analysis

Imagine yourself standing next to the sculpture above, which is situated in a gallery.

1.1 Discuss what you think the artwork’s concept is, using information from the title and various other visual clues. (2)

1.2. Discuss how the artist was inspired by Africa in creating this artwork. Make sure your analysis is based on :
-the elements and principles of art,
-the materials and techniques
-and imagery.  (6)

1.3 The sculpture evokes different emotions in the viewer. Discuss your own emotional responses to this sculpture and explain which specific visual clues evoked them. (2)   

Question 2 [20 marks] Seen Artworks

You have studied various artworks that have focused on the forms and influences of Africa.  In a well-structured 2 page essay, explain how this influence is found in contemporary South African art. Choose AT LEAST TWO of your researched artworks as examples, although you could use three.
Consider the following guidelines in your discussion.
  • The names of the artworks and of the artists
  • The historical and geographical contexts of these examples
  • The influences from Africa and possible traditional meanings
  • The new meanings that your chosen artists have created.
Analysis of these works showing your understanding of the elements and principles of art/design used by the artists. (20)