Thursday 2 October 2014

11VA: Manet- The Father of Impressionism

Dejeuner sur l’herbe (The Picnic) 1863

Bar at the Folies Bergiere

Manet was the father of impressionism...
Identify the visual clues in the images above that illustrate the following characteristics of Impressionism:

  • Disintegration of the form in light and atmosphere
  • Loose brushstrokes to disintegrate the form and create optical blending
  • The invention of the camera in 1840 and the shift from religious and royal subject to documentation of everyday life.

Link to Realism Presentation

“Manet’s figures are dissolved in light” - explain this statement in paragraph, using the visual clues and characteristics that you have identified in Manet's artworks. 

Link to Essay writing document example

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