Thursday 31 January 2013

mark making in drawing

Adam Duncan suggests one creates a "library" of more at

mark making exercise

you can then use your collection of marks to create illusions of various textures and tones...

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Grade 8:

Welcome to the family of DGHS and especially the art department :-) This term we will be exploring fashion and textile design.

Just a brief note on gr 11 and 12 sourcebooks

Sally Mankus, Mixed Media Artist

Intention and proposal: The first part of this section is to brainstorm various ideas about your topic, your final intention will be clarifed at the end of your sourcebook
  • Mind mapping and/or brainstorming (+/- 5 ideas about your topic) - Wriiten and illustrated 

  • other artists? examples? all referenced
  • Woolworths project -interviews, photographs
  • Thumbnails

  • Materials and Techniques -this section is important as it will illuminate potential problem areas within the final artwork, as well as what techniques you need to research/ practise before you begin
  • Experimentation with materials and techniques (problem-solving) - photos and samples ; record tips and discoveries
  • Final drawing of idea/product (at least an A4 tonal study- must showcase an illusion of form and space), you may also create a concept drawing accompanied by a layout sketch of your product

  • Intention part 2:
  • Written proposal / intention (summary)  of your final idea
  • Reflection
    (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat) analysis of your idea

    link to Mrs Moore's blogpost about the mixed media theme 

    Grade 9 2013 : Welcome and theme for term 1

    This term we will be discussing perceptions of beauty within various cultures and how this influences on the links below to view the powerpoints we have been working on during class.

    paper figure activity instructions

    link to powerpoint on some inspiring artists

    link to powerpoint on how we perceive beauty

    Link to Mrs Moore's blog