Wednesday 27 March 2013

JR: Face to Face

JR makes some incredible statements about public art, so I hope you enjoy listening to his talks.

Face 2 Face © JR

"In 2007, during the Face 2 Face project,
JR and Marco organize the largest illegal photography exhibition ever.
For this project, portraits of Israelis and Palestinians are pasted face to face, in monumental formats on both sides of the wall and in several Palestinian and Israeli cities."

Read more at the link below

or listen to JR's Talk by clicking on the link below: 

INSIDE OUT_Communities become the creators

link to Ted talk of JR's report on one_year_of_turning_the_world_inside_out

link to second clip on the inside out project


images from:

Link to JR's website

Grade 9: Beauty is historical

Link to PPT on historical beauty and altered images project

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Grade 12: Link to power point on Contemporary Art and New Media

link to pdf of contemporary art powerpoint

Rachel Whiteread's Installation: Embankment at Tate Modern, London

File:Duchamp Fountaine.jpg

Fountain, 1917 by Duchamp is an example of the use of the Readymade object in Art

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Grade 9: Alexander/Disney and Perceptions of beauty

Please comment on the images here and not on Mrs Moore's blog.  You may also work online on Google docs and share it with Mrs Sturgess.

Your task is to comment on the images of beauty you see in these images. Please click on the link to Mrs Moore's blog for the full exercise.

Jane Alexander - Oh Yes Girl......

Disney's new Sofia princess

Link to Mrs Moore's exercise
Please don't copy the other Grade 9s work but you may read there answers and build on their knowledge.

Part of this exercise is to test your ability to WORK ONLINE.

Remember that you can't save your work on the Netbooks, rather type your answers online by working on Google docs... see link below.

Google drive link

link to previous posts about prezi and online learning

Also Create a Gmail address and Join to comment.

Use the tables provided for your rough work, and then type your answer out in an essay format.

You can "hand in" your work by emailing me a link to your Google doc or commenting on my blogpost or emailing me your answer.

My email address is

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Grade 9: body decoration

New Guinea Face Paint

click on the link here to view more images on how clay is used in body decoration

Dunywa, Red ochre and some notes on Zulu culture

According to the article on Jeremy Wafer's work,

red ochre is associated with fertility and protection as,

"In the Zulu kingdom, red ochre had a similarly important function. It was used
to dress the tufts of hair or top-knots on the heads of married women, and it
continues to be used in divination context to this day. For the obvious reason
that it is the colour of (menstrual) blood, contemporary Zulu speakers often
associate red with fertility. Although there is no irrefutable evidence to suggest
that this colour symbolism necessarily underlies the royal interest in the use of
red beads in the Zulu kingdom, it is probably not coincidental that these beads
were known as umgazi, i.e. blood. The latter designation is particularly
interesting given that considerable attention was paid to the potentially
powerful role of material symbols in reinforcing a perception of the king’s
importance in fertility rites like the annual First Fruits Ceremony. The red
nodules on the forms are like beads" and later on the text states

 ‘ the newly delivered mother (umdlezane) paints red
ochre on the exposed parts of her body – the parts that have contact with the
ordinary world. She does this in order to protect herself from the dangers to
which she is prone and also because she herself is liable to be a channel of
danger to others.’

click here to read more of the article about Jeremy Wafer's work and notes on red ochre

Link to post about the umemulo ceremony

link to previous post about Dunywa

Grade 10: Tone

Grade 10's See if you can use your knowledge of tone to answer the following questions.

You may record your answers as comments or email your teacher a link to a Google doc or hand write them.

link to Google docs (note you need a G mail address to use this feature) 

Fig. 1.  Old Master’s drawing.
Study by Luca Cambiaso, 1527-1585
image from

1.1 What direction is the light coming from in this drawing by Cambiaso? Substantiate your answer by referring to "visual clues".  [3]

1.2 Some art students stated that "the light reveals the dimensionality of the objects"

Explain what they mean by this statement by discussing the role of tone in an artwork. Make sure you clarify the following terminology on your discussion:  [8]
                 highlight [1], reflection [1], cast shadow [1], form shadow [1], tone/ value [2], illusion of form [1], light [1]

1.3.1 What is meant by the term "tonal range".  [1]
      1.3.2   Use at least 3 different pencils to create a diagram that supports your answer. [3]

Unfortunately the model for a life-drawing class was absent for a drawing class in Losina so the teacher constructed a reclining figure from boxes.  Below are some sample drawings from the class.

Many artists improve their observational skills and drawing abilities by breaking figures into basic shapes.

Below are images from a tutorial by Frank Robert Dixon

 images from

"May I repeat what I told you here: treat nature by means of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything brought into proper perspective so that each side of an object or a plane is directed towards a central point. Lines parallel to the horizon give breadth... lines perpendicular to this horizon give depth. But nature for us men is more depth than surface, whence the need to introduce into our light vibrations, represented by the reds and yellows, a sufficient amount of blueness to give the feel of air. "

-Paul CezanneLetter to Emile Bernard, April 15, 1904

2.1 See if you can apply your knowledge of tone, by creating an illusion of a 3-dimensional figure made from boxes/basic shapes.   you will be assessed on the following criteria:
  • tonal range [5]
  • illusion of form[5]
  • use of basic shapes [5]
  • consistent light source [5]
  • use of materials and technique (mark-making and use of putty eraser, paper stumps, pencils/ charcoal/ graphite/pen and ink/pen/conte) [5]
  • overall impression (i.e originality and creativity) [5]

drawing total: [30]

exercise total: [45]

Link to 51 aspects to consider in a drawing

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Grade 9 Artist Alert: Amy-Jo Windt

click here to view PowerPoint on Amy-Jo Windt

Frolic 1
image from:

"Appropriating wildly from fashion and lifestyle magazines, Windt creates radically subverted images of the female form, and in by doing so demands that the viewer questions the norms expounded in these publications. She brings these images to the public space by creating collages of the creatures within a collaged world of their own. Her new work, on show for the first time at the KZNSA, includes life-size puppets which emphasise the manipulative nature of the media. Taking the medium even further, the artists places these creatures in real-life instances, and records this intelligent absurdity through photography" Article from:

Link to more images of Windt's work from her show at the KZNSA Gallery

Monday 11 March 2013

Grade 11: Illusions of space

Illusion of space conveys a feeling (illusion) of space or depth on a 2-dimensional plane.

Space is "the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur."

link to an informative power point on creating an illusion of space

Link to web article about creating an illusion of space.

Tuesday 5 March 2013