Thursday 7 November 2013

Illusions of space: Infographic Report Back

Presentation notes:
- when creating an infographic the title is the topic not the word infographic (e.g ILLUSIONS OF SPACE)
- also it is an interactive learning tool, so it is good idea to use arrows and diagrams to interact with the contents of the image as well provide links between the text and image

Illusions of Space Definition Notes:
Some learners were confused about linear perspective and just wrote that there are three types of linear perspective (1 point, 2 point and 3 point), and lines to show depth.  However you must explain that linear perspective creates an illusion of space by showing the angle at which lines recede into the distance. It is based on the fact that parallel lines converge (join) at a vanishing point on the horizon.

 or one could say that

Linear perspective is used by the artist in which the relative size, shape and position of the objects are determined by drawn lines converging at a point on the horizon.

Link to informative presentation on illusions of space


Also scale/ size is to do with the fact that objects that are closer to the viewer are larger and objects that are further away are smaller.  It is not just based on a comparison of objects for example the squares create an illusion of space as they become smaller as they recede into the background, but the image comparing the scale of a human to various animals does not show an illusion of space as all the animals are on the same plane ( i.e their is the same distance between the smallest animal and the viewer and the largest animal and the viewer).

Application Notes:
 Please note that you must apply knowledge when creating an infographic and cut and paste type information hinders learning. Therefore you had to discuss visual clues (elements and principles of art such as scale, value, colour... and imagery) in your illustrations.

Honda ad based on illusions of space

Monday 4 November 2013

Grade 10 November Exam Brief

Intention & Imagery; Materials and techniques & Elements &principles & Data
Jewellery artists: Samantha Queen- Green Lei and Liaung Chung Yen –Changeability
Link to a Prezi on Artists who use recyclable material to create jewellery

{please note: the Prezi is not a model answer! it is a mindmap with articles and some useful links and imagery that you can use to create your own mindmap}
Ceramics- Ardmore Studio – Owl and chameleon jug
Link to Prezi layout and article on Ardmore
KZNSA Gallery Visit- 1 Sculptor & 1 painter
How to create an infographic (where to place information…)
Analyse unseen artworks….

Colour theory,  how to discuss elements and principles such as line, tone, texture, shape form…as well as how to discuss techniques and materials

Link to Mrs Moore's Google doc on Evolution

Link to Mrs Moore's Google doc on Perseus

Grade 9: November Exam Brief

  • Illusions of space
  • How to identify and interpret visual clues in unseen art works  (this is based on the skills you learnt when writing about the Disney Princess and ' oh yes, girl' by Jane Alexander
  • An unseen exercise based on your Picasso worksheet where you learnt how to identify the elements and principles of art (you need colour pencils, or pastels for this)
  • You also be required to create an infographic on an Artist you have studied this year. You will need to know the following information:  
              -why the artist made this work (i.e their intention)
              -how they made the work (i.e materials and techniques)
              -how they have used the elements and principles of art to                  create their composition.

The term visual clue refers to an image, technique or element or principle of art that an artist has used.

Friday 1 November 2013

Grade 10: Ardmore Ceramics

Can you create an infographic analysing these jugs: 

Make sure you discuss the following points
Intention? and/or Function?
Texture & pattern?
3-D form?
2-D shape?

 These are the examples from class, 
here are some other Ardmore examples

Friday 25 October 2013

Grade 12 Revision

Dear Grade 12s I am also writing an exam on Thursday, so I have study leave for Wednesday.  Therefore you must see me on Monday or Tuesday if you would like help for theory.  Tuesday is the grade 10 practical exam so I won't have any classes but as you know the first hour of the day and last hour is always very busy so don't come then. Preferably  come between 10 and 12.

You can also email for help or visit the government site for past papers.

Good luck!

Type in Grade 12 or Grade 12 theory for links to previous posts on grade 12 theory.


P.s here is  link to a Google PPt explaining aspects of New Media based on South African and International artworks

When Analysing Unseens look for interesting points based on the following sections:

Data (D) - name of the artist, title of the work, size & year -this may give you a link to the meaning of the piece/a concept the artist wants you to consider, scale could influence how it makes you feel as the viewer

- use of formal elements & principles of art (E/P) and their link with the theme
- Artists intention (INT) & Influences (INF)
- links with theme & questions (focus) - NB please read any bullets/ sub questions as it will contain important clues as to how you should focus your essay
-materials & techniques (M/Ts)

link to Trials revision post

Thursday 24 October 2013

Grade 10 Prac exam

click here to view Mrs Moore's post

Example by Zama Zikhali

NB study the shape of the body- its made up of a sphere (ball shape) 
and cylinder cup like shapes...