Wednesday 13 March 2013

Grade 10: Tone

Grade 10's See if you can use your knowledge of tone to answer the following questions.

You may record your answers as comments or email your teacher a link to a Google doc or hand write them.

link to Google docs (note you need a G mail address to use this feature) 

Fig. 1.  Old Master’s drawing.
Study by Luca Cambiaso, 1527-1585
image from

1.1 What direction is the light coming from in this drawing by Cambiaso? Substantiate your answer by referring to "visual clues".  [3]

1.2 Some art students stated that "the light reveals the dimensionality of the objects"

Explain what they mean by this statement by discussing the role of tone in an artwork. Make sure you clarify the following terminology on your discussion:  [8]
                 highlight [1], reflection [1], cast shadow [1], form shadow [1], tone/ value [2], illusion of form [1], light [1]

1.3.1 What is meant by the term "tonal range".  [1]
      1.3.2   Use at least 3 different pencils to create a diagram that supports your answer. [3]

Unfortunately the model for a life-drawing class was absent for a drawing class in Losina so the teacher constructed a reclining figure from boxes.  Below are some sample drawings from the class.

Many artists improve their observational skills and drawing abilities by breaking figures into basic shapes.

Below are images from a tutorial by Frank Robert Dixon

 images from

"May I repeat what I told you here: treat nature by means of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything brought into proper perspective so that each side of an object or a plane is directed towards a central point. Lines parallel to the horizon give breadth... lines perpendicular to this horizon give depth. But nature for us men is more depth than surface, whence the need to introduce into our light vibrations, represented by the reds and yellows, a sufficient amount of blueness to give the feel of air. "

-Paul CezanneLetter to Emile Bernard, April 15, 1904

2.1 See if you can apply your knowledge of tone, by creating an illusion of a 3-dimensional figure made from boxes/basic shapes.   you will be assessed on the following criteria:
  • tonal range [5]
  • illusion of form[5]
  • use of basic shapes [5]
  • consistent light source [5]
  • use of materials and technique (mark-making and use of putty eraser, paper stumps, pencils/ charcoal/ graphite/pen and ink/pen/conte) [5]
  • overall impression (i.e originality and creativity) [5]

drawing total: [30]

exercise total: [45]

Link to 51 aspects to consider in a drawing

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