Thursday 7 November 2013

Illusions of space: Infographic Report Back

Presentation notes:
- when creating an infographic the title is the topic not the word infographic (e.g ILLUSIONS OF SPACE)
- also it is an interactive learning tool, so it is good idea to use arrows and diagrams to interact with the contents of the image as well provide links between the text and image

Illusions of Space Definition Notes:
Some learners were confused about linear perspective and just wrote that there are three types of linear perspective (1 point, 2 point and 3 point), and lines to show depth.  However you must explain that linear perspective creates an illusion of space by showing the angle at which lines recede into the distance. It is based on the fact that parallel lines converge (join) at a vanishing point on the horizon.

 or one could say that

Linear perspective is used by the artist in which the relative size, shape and position of the objects are determined by drawn lines converging at a point on the horizon.

Link to informative presentation on illusions of space


Also scale/ size is to do with the fact that objects that are closer to the viewer are larger and objects that are further away are smaller.  It is not just based on a comparison of objects for example the squares create an illusion of space as they become smaller as they recede into the background, but the image comparing the scale of a human to various animals does not show an illusion of space as all the animals are on the same plane ( i.e their is the same distance between the smallest animal and the viewer and the largest animal and the viewer).

Application Notes:
 Please note that you must apply knowledge when creating an infographic and cut and paste type information hinders learning. Therefore you had to discuss visual clues (elements and principles of art such as scale, value, colour... and imagery) in your illustrations.

Honda ad based on illusions of space

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