Wednesday 6 August 2014

Essay Writing & Exam Revision: 12VA

Link to Memo from June Exam 2014

When writing an art essay make sure you structure your work to add clarity and focus to your discussion.  Below is a brief layout that will help you with writing concisely.

Introduction: Data & Intention

  • Sentence 1 = An artist who deals with (theme) is ( artist's name) in the artwork  (title of the work).
  • Sentence 2= (artist's name) intention is to (briefly explain intention)

Body= Analysis of Visual clues

Visual clues are: Formal elements and principles of art [EP], materials and techniques [MT], imagery [I]

  • Sentence 1: The artist has used (specific description of the visual clue) to express (meaning of the visual clue).
When describing a visual clue you need to explain the category (is it a EP/MT/I) as well as a brief description of what it looks like. However to get your mark you need to explain the meaning or symbolism of the visual clue. Thus analyzing visual clues is like describing two sides of a coin.

Images from:  &

I like to think of an analysis like identifying the ingredients used to bake a cake (i.e. the artwork) as well as the occasion that the cake was made for (i.e. the meaning of the artwork).

Images from: 

Conclusion= Wow factor

When you have finished your analysis you need to sum up your essay with a sentence that demonstrates your insight into the topic.  It is like the ribbon that holds everything together and rounds your essay/cake off.

Please note if you are writing an essay on more than artist than after your conclusion of the first artwork analysis you will have a JOINING WORD that begins the next analysis e.g.

SIMILARLY/ ANOTHER ARTIST THAT explores this theme is.. (artist name)...discusses (artist intention/theme) in (artwork title)

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